About rootsMD | Health + Care that feels like Home

Healthcare back to its roots: Patients + Physicians

The Direct Primary Care (DPC) model improves quality of care and health outcomes while lowering costs to patients by separating primary care services from traditional insurance. Over the last decade, physicians across the nation have witnessed the sacred house of medicine slowly crumble down as administrative burdens rise and time to connect with, and care for, patients dwindles. These changes negatively impact patients’ pocketbooks – and – the health and wellbeing of both patients and physicians. In the current system most people receive healthcare benefits through their employer, sometimes preventing them from pursuing their passions or own entrepreneurial paths, or keeping them in jobs out of fear of “losing” their doctor due to a career or insurance change. It’s time to rebuild medicine. In addition to our mission to improve health + care for the greater Madison, WI area, we sought to bring new life to an old property in disrepair along Verona’s main street. Find us in our newly constructed clinic!

300 E Verona Ave, Suite A   •   By Appointment Only


Amanda Preimesberger, MD - Family Physician,
Owner and Founder of rootsMD

Dr. Preimesberger is a past recipient of Madison Magazine’s “Top Doc” in Family Medicine, a physician award representing those docs whom Dane County, WI peer physicians are most likely to see themselves, or send loved ones to for care. For more than 15 years she has served patients in Southcentral WI through pregnancy, pediatric/adolescent, adult and geriatric chapters of life through a foundation in evidence-based wellness and prevention, and skilled management of acute illness and injury across all age spectrums. She offers a wide variety of office-based procedures helping to centralize care needs within the family physician’s office. Dr. Preimesberger holds a strong belief in physician-led healthcare and the patient-physician partnership in directing care needs and goals. She enjoys caring for fellow local entrepreneurs and small businesses owners, offering them time and cost savings so they can maintain health and keep their focus on growing their businesses. 

Dr. P serves as an Advisory Board Member on the DPC Alliance, a national organization on a mission to help other physicians build and grow successful independent Direct Primary Care practices.

  • rootsMD Direct Care Family Medicine  |  opened March 2021
  • SSM Health – Dean Medical Group  |  2008 – 2021 
  • RESIDENCY | University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health | Family Medicine with Obstetrics
  • MEDICAL SCHOOL | University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • UNDERGRAD | University of Wisconsin – Madison | BS Kinesiology – Exercise Science, Certification in Athletic Training

As a mother of four very active sons, her sports medicine background comes in handy! She grew up locally in the Mount Horeb, WI area and married her high school sweetheart, Casey, a City of Madison Fire Lieutenant. A creative at heart, she enjoys designing inviting spaces, photography and all things nature, travel and adventure. Patients find a human connection in “Dr. P”, as they share the many challenges and blessings along this life journey.

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Traese Kuhl, DO -
Family Physician

Dr. Kuhl joined rootsMD in 2023, after practicing Family Medicine for nearly 20 years in the St. Cloud, MN area. Similar to Dr. P, her undergrad degree was in Athletic Training. She attended osteopathic medical school at Des Moines University, then went on to Family Medicine residency training at Toledo Hospital in Ohio before settling in to her practice in Minnesota. She served in both patient care and associate residency director roles in Ohio and Indiana. Joining the Direct Primary Care movement at rootsMD “feels like home” for her as she’s able realize the practice of medicine she’s envisioned all along:  unrushed, deeply relationship-based and patient-physician led. She cares for patients of all ages, with special interest in musculoskeletal medicine, women’s health, and office procedures. 

Dr. Kuhl is the proud mom of three daughters (including a college “Badger” here at UW-Madison). Her husband practices Orthopedics in the area, and the move to Madison also brings them closer to extended family. 

She cares for patients of all ages, with special interest in musculoskeletal medicine, women’s health, and office procedures. When not at the clinic, she loves adventure travel, hiking, and trying new recipes!

    • rootsMD Direct Care Family Medicine  |  8/2023 – current
    • St. Cloud Medical Group/CentraCare; St. Cloud, MN  |  2007 – 2022
    • Community Health Network, Family Medicine Residency Program Assoc Director; Indianapolis, IN  |  2006-2007
    • The Toledo Hospital, Family Practice Residency Program Assoc Director; Toledo, OH  |  2003-2006
  • RESIDENCYThe Toledo Hospital Family Practice Residency  | Family Medicine with Obstetrics
  • MEDICAL SCHOOL |  Des Moines University |  Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
  • UNDERGRAD | Gustavus Adolphus College | Bachelor of Arts, Athletic Training Major

Other On-Site Health Services

Melissa Roswold, PT | PT Squared, LLC

A Verona native, Melissa has 20 years of comprehensive physical therapy experience and is thrilled to be offering direct-pay PT and Performance Training services for clients at the rootsMD clinic space on Mondays and Thursdays. 

She has particular expertise in lower extremity injuries and musculoskeletal challenges faced by runners of all ages. Her clients are empowered to reach their activity goals through individualized education, therapy exercises, exercise prescription, gait assessments and manual therapy for injuries such as:

  • Lower leg, ankle and foot pain such as Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinitis
  • Knee pain such as Patellar Tendinitis, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner’s Knee), Meniscal Tears, and IT Band Tendinitis
  • Hip pain such as Trochanteric Bursitis, Gluteal Tendinitis and Piriformis Syndrome
Through the belief that injury can be approached as an opportunity, she helps clients facilitate their body’s innate strength and adaptive ability to heal. Her passion is helping active individuals take control of their current pain and helping them understand how to prevent future pain. She also enjoys guiding clients to their next level of performance after initial injury healing – especially for those who have received incomplete rehab within the traditional healthcare system. 

Learn more and follow her practice via her Facebook page HERE. Contact PT Squared: melissa@ptsquaredllc.com