Rebuilding relationship-based healthcare
. . . a glimpse at the Direct Primary Care (DPC) start-up journey for roots | MD
From vision to reality – a home for Direct Primary Care (DPC) in the heart of Verona came to life! Just as we seek to “rebuild” and renew the art of medicine and patient care, we were very busy bringing new life and lots of love to our spot in the neighborhood. The prior home at 300 East Verona Avenue had grown weary and worn down after a decades rich history of family life in its beloved hometown. Unfortunately, the disrepair was too extensive for a rehabilitated clinic space. So, a new foundation for caring was set in action, and will allow us to care for families, other small business owners, and entrepreneurs seeking affordable relationship-based care for decades to come.
After nearly 13 years of Family Medicine with Obstetrics practice within the SSM Dean Medical Group in Madison, I left to launch an independent DPC practice at rootsMD Direct Care Family Medicine, and opened in March of 2021. By uncoupling insurance-based payment from primary care services, and contracting directly with patients instead, we keep overhead and medical costs down, while regaining the necessary time together to connect over health concerns. Combined, these changes serve as the foundation for comprehensive and high quality care that is remarkably affordable.
During the first 6 months, throughout new clinic construction, I cared for patients from a tiny, but mighty, 12×12 foot single room “clinic” across town at 901 Whalen Road when rootMD was just getting started. Medicine really can be that simple!! We moved into our beautiful new “home” October of 2021, ready to spread our roots.

September 2020 | Existing home at 300 E. Verona Avenue. Every dream starts with a bold vision!

Determined to create a safe and healthy space for wellness, while changing the status quo of primary healthcare delivery, I looked for possibilities of what “might be”. Based on an inspiration image from Houzz, I crafted a sketch at our kitchen island – the aim being to turn that inspiration footprint in the photo into a clinic. CaS4 Architecture came on board to help get us one step closer to reality. And the rebuild plans were underway!
After 3 months, and several Verona City Plan Commission meetings, construction was approved and Premier Building Solutions took action. My husband installed temporary signage at the build site, and demo started on St. Patrick’s Day of 2021 . . . off to a GOOD LUCK start!

As the clinic construction started, rootsMD officially launched from across town in the single room micro-practice office. With all Preimesberger guys large and small on deck, we put together a tiny clinic space: built my desk, assembled a cabinet for wholesale medication dispensing and medical supply storage, and moved an exam table in to what was an old insurance office (kind of ironic). Over the first 5 months, the practice grew to over 100 members! From this small space, we managed all things “family medicine” – from heart disease to wellness exams, skin cancer removals to wart treatments, mental health concerns to celebrating patients’ goals met, and patients with new pregnancy news. Tick bites, dog bites, and . . . even sibling bites received treatment recommendations and care from this space. Several office-based and medical aesthetics procedures at reduced direct-pay pricing also made for happy patients.

Clinic construction chugged along all the while . . . By May of 2021 we had walls and a roof.

Crazy husband trying to climb to the second floor apartments and rooftop patio area before stairs were installed – fortunately no injuries before the clinic was even open!

And, finally . . . a glimpse of how things have come together at the time of opening to patient care, October, 2021!

8.17.2021 Clinic Progress
Patients at rootsMD started enjoying care from the new clinic by October 1st, 2021.
In the Direct Primary Care Model, physicians keep their patient panels smaller: around 300-600 patients as opposed to 2000-3000 such as in typical insurance-based health systems. This keeps care personal and accessible, and lowers the need for extensive staff support such that overhead drops and transparent pricing with significant savings can be passed along to our patients. If you’re a fellow entrepreneur, small business owner, on a high deductible health plan or health share plan, DPC is especially a benefit for you. Come join us in reshaping primary care, and experience the Direct Primary Care difference!
We look forward to meeting you!
– Dr. Amanda Preimesberger
ETA: Dr. Traese Kuhl joined the rootsMD Family Medicine practice 8/2023! We’re growing!!