Cough, Colds & Congestion

This information is intended only for patients with an established and current relationship with a rootsMD physician. These (and all) patients should always use their best judgement to seek medical attention directly with a physician for worrisome ongoing symptoms; this page is not intended to replace direct consultation or care. 

Congestion, Ear pressure, Cough, Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Bronchitis

The first 7-10+ days of cold, sinus, bronchitis and laryngitis symptoms are nearly always viral. Symptoms usually peak around 5 days. Thicker yellow/green mucus is common. Antibiotics do not improve viral infections, and may cause troublesome side effects such as diarrhea and bacterial resistance that can lead to later dangerous bacterial infections that will not respond to antibiotics. 

A mild cough can linger after a viral infection for several weeks, as residual inflammation heals. If beyond the 10 day mark, you note a cough that is worsening, new fever >100.4, new wheezing, shortness of breath or focal chest or facial pain:  please contact your doctor. However, in the absence of these, it’s generally still a “supportive cares” plan as below.


1.  STEAMY SHOWERS to moisturize and thin mucus.

2.  NASAL SALINE:  Mist or 1-2 drops 2-3 times daily until symptoms improve to moisturize passages and keep mucus thin. May use bulb suction a minute or so after saline use to pull mucus out and clear the nose. 

3.  NASAL SPRAYS:  kids that are preschool aged and older may tolerate OTC fluticasone (Flonase) or other OTC nasal steroid:  1 spray each nostril daily;  May continue the steroid spray as long as needed. These help keep nasal and sinus passages open so that mucus can drain (preventing bacterial sinus infection), and inner ear pressure/pain is relieved. It can be drying: ok to use a little vaseline just inside the nose if noting nose bleeds. 

4.  ACETAMINOPHEN (Tylenol) every 4-6 hours and/or IBUPROFEN (Motrin) every 6-8 hours as needed for sore throat, ear pain, fever or body aches. You can give whichever allows your child the HIGHER dose:  1) age based  – or –  2) weight based



5.  HONEY (**ONLY for kids >12 months) is also proven to help lessen cough and soothe the throat. A spoonful 2-3x/day. 


If your child is feeling “ok” despite a fever, it’s ok not to treat it! It’s helping them fight the germs. Aim to keep them well hydrated and see if it resolves on its own – most viral fevers resolve by 72-96hrs. 

Infants under 3 months old are in a category of their own – Notify your doctor for any fever >100.4.

Kids >3mos old – Use the ranges below to help put your child’s level of fever into perspective:

100.4-102: Low grade fever – helpful, good range.

   — Don’t treat, fever meds are rarely needed. Fevers of this level don’t generally cause discomfort. They DO help the body fight the infection. Exception: if you feel your child also has PAIN, treat it.

102 -103: Average fever – helpful. Treat IF causes discomfort.

104 – 105: High fever – causes discomfort, but harmless. Always treat.

106 – 107: Very high fever – important to bring it down. Rare to go this high.

Over 108: Dangerous fever – fever itself can be harmful: NEEDS to be seen immediately

AAP / Bright Futures Pediatric Symptom Checker 

Above link is a super helpful (and reliable/evidence based) website for parents, where you can enter a symptom/concern and view tabs for:  Things to Watch For, When to Call/Be Seen, and Home Care Advice. 


1.  STEAMY SHOWERS to moisturize and thin mucus.

2.  NASAL SPRAYS:  Afrin nasal spray:  2-3 sprays/nostril, twice daily for more immediate relief from nasal congestion. Limit to only 4 days. Use fluticasone (Flonase) or other OTC nasal steroid spray about 5min after the Afrin: 1-2 sprays each nostril daily. Steroid sprays take 3-4 days to best effect, which is why Afrin may be helpful the first few days until the steroid relief starts. May continue the steroid spray as long as needed. These help keep nasal and sinus passages open so that mucus can drain (preventing bacterial sinus infection), and inner ear pressure/pain is relieved. If noting the sprays to be over-drying and/or contributing to nosebleeds: Vaseline via qtip just inside the nose to swab the septum to can be helpful! 

3.  NASAL SALINE:  Spray, drops, Neti-pot or SinuCleanse twice daily until symptoms improve to moisturize passages and keep mucus thin. 

If using Neti-pot or SinuCleanse, use lukewarm water, and 1/2 salt packet at first to avoid burning sensation in nose. Do *not use standard table salt. 

4.  SUDAFED (pseudoephedrine) by mouth, as directed on box for nasal congestion.  If you are treated for high blood pressure, you may need to avoid over the counter oral decongestants which can raise blood pressure. You’ll need to ask the pharmacist for this, but it is still OTC. 

5.  ACETAMINOPHEN (Tylenol) 1000mg 4x/day or IBUPROFEN 400-600mg 4x/day for sore throat, facial pain, fever or body aches for older teens and adults. For kids 12yo and under: dose can be the greater of the age or weight based as per OTC box instructions. 

6.  CEPACOL lozenges or throat spray and salt water gargles for sore throat.

7.  MUCINEX DM as needed. The guaifenesin helps mucus stay moist, thin and easier to clear. The dextromethorpan helps suppress cough. 

8.  HONEY is also proven to help lessen cough and soothe the throat. A spoonful 2-3x/day.